Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chapel on 10.9.13

Posted by Sydney Peauroi, Junior at OCHS

For chapel this week we focused on 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” As High school students and people in general, it is easy to get into an endless cycle of worrying. This cycle can be easily broken by going to God and giving your worries up to Him.

We started chapel with a skit that sums up the entire chapel, called “Are You Like Me.” The skit shows three people who worry and one person who gives their worries to God. After the skit we read a few verses from Psalms 55 that are examples of God’s promise to take our worries away from us. With those examples in mind we touched on a few common worries that can plague our lives.

We also outlined a few things that worrying can do to our bodies, ranging from something as small headaches to possibly thoughts of suicide. With the knowledge of what worrying can do to our bodies we sought the answer the question of how to deal with our worries. This brought us back to the Bible, where we read more verses on worry.

Due to the amount of scripture on worrying, we offered to the idea that our worries are less about us, and more about God. Here we sang “Blessed Be Your Name” to direct our attention to God. With this new attitude we offered a time of response for the students, where they wrote a worry on a note card while the chapel team sang ”Waiting Here for You”
We closed by looking back to the Bible to provide some evidence of who God is, showing us exactly why we can trust Him with something as serious as our worries. as we dismissed, we sang ”Desert Song” and gave the students the opportunity to “throw away” their worry.
Full video:

10.9.13 1 Peter 5.7 from Ontario Christian School on Vimeo.

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